
The VS-ST-01 is our largest adjustable general-purpose stands for physics demonstrations.
The sets of two locks allow for adjustable heights at any point. In its lowered position the stand has a height of
12.85 in and reaches a height of 26.5 in when extended. The body is made of steel to assure sturdiness when
holding moving weight, and powder-coated for aesthetic purposes.
The base plate features a slotted hole so it can be secured down on any of our Air Tables while still allowing precise
alignment when desired.
The top plate features :
• a set of three threaded holes separated by 1.5 in and a knob to secure springs and other lab devices.
• a 1⁄4-20 thumbscrew to attach our coils, in either of two possible configurations shown above. One
configuration is ideal for utilizing our Lorentz Force device, and the other for labs related to Lenz’s law.

Main Features:
• Adjustable height at any position.
• Slot for securing stand to air table while allowing precise alignment.
• Securing of Coils in two different configuration.
• Large maximum height allows for tracking mass movement in even the longer springs.
• Rugged steel construction.